Friday, February 19, 2010

Nose Stuffy Every Morning My Daughter Has Nose Bleeds Every Morning And Gets A Stuffy Nose Which Causes Redness Around The Face, Help???

My daughter has nose bleeds every morning and gets a stuffy nose which causes redness around the face, help??? - nose stuffy every morning

If she gets a nosebleed every morning on the blood vessels in the nose cauterized see too often nosebleed.


hazelcre... said...

He is probably allergic to something. Dry skin can break his nose and nosebleeds. Nasal congestion and redness are the symptoms of allergy. You should consult a specialist in allergies and asthma can understand what they are allergic. Allergies often develop later in life when something bothered him before, it may be behind this company.

woah_bab... said...

Ask your doctor, he or she may be able to prescribe something.

My brother has this problem .. He woke up and his nose is running like a tap!

You must also remove the need for surgery for tissue or bone of the nose, and perhaps even etched their blood vessels in the nose HHer .. This is completely harmless and only neeed to do if the drug is not.

pattidom... said...

could be an allergy to something, it's something to do with the chest, bloodclot one .. Take him to his doctor, nose bleeds in the morning is not normal and could be something serious ... and I am seriously ..

notmynam... said...

It is one of the Snowbirds.

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